My rented studio is a not very large unit, it is less than 500sqft. And here is a corner where you can see part of my kitchen (left side) and of the right is part of my living room (that is a daybed). Well, what I really wanted to write about in this post is that I really look forward to getting, most likely, a custom made kitchen high stool which is normally called a bar stool. What happened now is that I discovered the height of normal bar stool that one can normally get from, say, IKEA, is not compatible with the height of my kitchen cabinet. So, I can only go for a custom made one. And i have never made a furniture in my entire life! I've watched how some people are so creative where they know how to make furniture even a small wooden house.
The reason why I want a bar stool to be placed in this special corner is the quiet or tranquillity that this small corner gives me. This is something hard to explain. I just feel extraordinary at peace when I sit at this corner of the kitchen. This corner will assist me to write ,draw and paint with peace of mind.