Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Little Red Bird and My Art Gallery

 I'm not allowed to have pet in my studio. So here is my little old red bird, looking at my drawing of squirrel posting a mail at the red post office.

And here is little old red bird again looking at my other paintings. For many years I have been wanted to do an art exhibition. On ne sait jamais...

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for reading my blog.

My Small Studio


My rented studio is a not very large unit, it is less than 500sqft. And here is a corner where you can see part of my kitchen (left side) and of the right is part of my living room (that is a daybed). Well, what I really wanted to write about in this post is that I really look forward to getting, most likely, a custom made kitchen high stool which is normally called a bar stool. What happened now is that I discovered the height of normal bar stool that one can normally get from, say, IKEA, is not compatible with the height of my kitchen cabinet. So, I can only go for a custom made one. And i have never made a furniture in my entire life! I've watched how some people are so creative where they know how to make furniture even a small wooden house. 

The reason why I want a bar stool to be placed in this special corner is the quiet or tranquillity that this small corner gives me. This is something hard to explain. I just feel extraordinary at peace when I sit at this corner of the kitchen. This corner will assist me to write ,draw and paint with peace of mind.

Friday, December 8, 2023

New Puffin Watercolour Painting

I'm working on new puffin watercolour painting today.

It should be completed shortly later in 30minutes. Puffin birds are very charming and sometimes amusing birds. They are often called the clown of the sea with tear-drop eyes and they are expert at sea but clumsy on land. The world is full of countless of beautiful birds and puffin is one of them that brought beauty to us all.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Food in My Kitchen

 I found myself feeling tired after spending three hours in a nearby mall where there is an IKEA as well. When I arrived home in my small studio, I took a short nap. And when I woke up, I decided to go to my favourite food stall to buy freshly cooked meal for dinner. But as I went to the familiar place, I was surprised to find that the food stall is closed. 

And so I took a short tour finding other places in hope I can buy suitable meal. But I ended up going to a supermarket to buy fresh milk and a bakery and bought a loaf of sesame baguette. I will be frying eggs as well. But guess I'll not steam potatoes and carrots tonight. I used to eat steamed potatoes and carrots for meals. Chicken meats and fish are expensive, and so I'm nearly a vegetarian now. 

I look forward for a short break tonight. And tomorrow I'll return to my painting work. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Handmade Greeting Cards

These are some of my handmade greeting cards.

Pelican handmade greeting cards.
Watercolour painting on 100% cotton watercolour paper. These are not printed cards.

Happy birthday greeting cards.
Ink and watercolour illustration.

Ink and watercolour illustration

The Sleeping Sheep Handmade Greeting Cards
Ink and watercolour illustration

Friday, December 1, 2023

Watercolour painting handmade cards


Do you like handmade card? This is a watercolour painting of a pelican on a lovely watercolour paper. Many lovely handmade cards coming soon...