Friday, January 3, 2025

Letters and parcel to my sister

 The other day I was posting a parcel of letters from squirrel and art print to one of my elder sisters. Truth is, I actually enjoy going to the post office to post letters or parcel. When I was younger, I enjoy collecting stamps. Thank goodness as where I live now can still find these classic envelopes that I really like. It brings back those good old nostalgia or having pen pals, the letter-writing age. Let's treasure what's really matters. Maybe that's why I found myself writing letters from squirrel. I started this in year 2021 (during one of the lockdowns). 

I have no idea where I am going, I just live from day-to-day, looking unto Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, for He knows what seem best for me. "Behind a frowning providence He hides His smiling face." Yes, I also enjoy train-journey. I used to dream of taking classic and beautiful trains in Europe especially Italy and maybe Switzerland as well to see those beautiful landscapes in the world. I look forward to continue the train-journey of brown bear and friends.

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